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2013 October Minutes
Salem Park & Recreation Commission
Draft Minutes

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair James Shea, Leslie Tuttle and Amy Everitt, Bob Callahan
Members Absent: Chris Burke
Others Present: Karen Partanen, Department of Parks and Recreation, Tim Huten, Dan Zarenkiewicz, Ellen Talkowsky, Phil Wyman, Jim Kearney, Tim Jenkins
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Shea at 6:45pm

Approval of September minutes

Motion by Callahan 2nd by Tuttle. Passes unanimously


Paper Route Productions Filming Request - Tim Huten & Dan Zarenkiewicz

Travel Channel wants to do a show with a walk through town. Locations: Witch House, Pioneer Village, Gallows Hill Park and.  Huten and Zarenkiewicz talked with Elizabeth and Talkowsky to tour the locations.  Callahan requested that they’ll give credit to Salem and Zarenkiewicz said that it would happen. Callahan asked about staff size and Zarenkiewicz indicated that it would be a small crew of about 6 people.  Callahan asked where they were from and Zarenkiewicz  responded that they were from Pearl River, NY in Rockland County. Callahan asked what the time frame was and Zarenkiewicz  responded that it was 3 days. Callahan asked Talkowsky what her take was on this request and Talkowsky responded that it’s got a modern twist and they’re planning to stay true and keep the history and that we’ll need details, etc.  Callahan asked when this would happen and Zarenkiewicz responded that it would happen in the 1st week of November.

Partanen is fine with it.  Everitt commented about Tad Baker being involved and ok than everything must be ok

Callahan motions to approve, Everitt Seconds. Passes unanimously.

Community Preservation Act Plan – Request for Comment/Input

Partanen says this is to review the information and submit questions to Partanen.  Tuttle commented that there’s only $400,000 to spend in total for this year.  Each group gets a guaranteed 10% or $40,000.  Shea wants to know how the money criteria are established.  Tuttle replied that the criteria is being established and will depend on different factors.  CPA Committee has to look at all the different factors at the same time they have to get recommendations from the Commissions.  $40,000 can automatically be reserved from the 1st year’s funds.  Park & Rec automatically gets 10% each year and it’s likely to be more like $90,000k next year.  Mayor Driscoll is recommending upgrades to the wrought iron fence at the Common.  Suggested that there be a splash pad at Forest River.

Partanen added that there are playground updates for $50,000.  Callahan asked what is Partanen looking for.  Partanen replied that she wants to get all the playgrounds updated.  Partanen thought there was $50,000 available for playground updates. The funding source was switched to CPA and that prevented the money from being spent.  There is $6,500 worth of playground equipment that needs to be installed, but no money for mulch.  Partanen has already met with Finance and is working out some funding options.

Tuttle has a problem because this is at the discretion of the City Council and Committee.  Partanen added that she didn’t realize that a Capital Improvement budget is dependent on funding source.  She’s hoping by spring the money will be available.  This is the time to do the improvements as in spring it’s more difficult.  Partanen met with someone from Gale Associates, who’s done field assessments for other cities and has inquired about what they can offer Salem and at what price.

Callahan asked why we need a consultant given that everyone knows what the parks are used for.  Partanen replied that we don’t have the certification to do this and the time for what’s involved.  She asked him for an amended quote for just the parks and also one with the trails, if we decide to use them.  Tuttle commented that the swimming pool at Forest River is in really bad shape and needs those funds.  Partanen responded that she is still reviewing Jane’s packet.  As far as Partanen understands, priorities are sent to her then the Commission reviews and decides.  Callahan requested that Partanen tell the Commission what the highest priorities are.

Shea asked Tuttle if everyone’s asking for the maximum and Tuttle responded that there are several things that will most likely be in the criteria.   Callahan asked if there a maximum percentage and Tuttle said no there wasn’t.
Tuttle added that local organizations/private structures (as long as they’re historical) can apply for funds.  Shea asked if we have any idea how much the pool repair will cost and Partanen responded that it would have to be completely refurbished and the best way to do that is to put in a new liner which will probably cost $50,000-$75,000

Callahan requested Partanen get a price on that and Partanen stated that she would.

Phil Wyman – Winter Island Function Hall Request

Shea confirmed that Wyman wants to rent the Winter Island Function Hall and Wyman replied that yes he did.  Shea asked if they’re a nonprofit and Wyman replied that they were. Wyman added that “The Gathering” just moved and want to use the function hall on Sunday mornings for church services.  Callahan asked why did they moved and Wyman replied that the rent was too high for the church to pay.  Partanen asked if they wanted to pay the rate or were asking for a waiver and Wyman didn’t confirm that but did say that they could set up/break down.  Partanen said they might be able to have it waived on the condition that they do the set up/break down.  Tuttle added that it’s expensive to heat and it generally costs more to heat because it’s inefficient.  

Callahan commented that they should pay for the heat.  Tuttle added that there are bathrooms in there and they’re going to need to shut the water for the bathrooms.  Shea commented that if you do it, the bathroom and water will be up to you to take care of.  Callahan added that the main thing is that they pay for the heat and that Wyman could bring in port-a-potties if they turn off the water.  Tuttle asked if the other bathrooms be open and Partanen said that they would not be open.  Shea commented that this is temporary only and Callahan suggested that this can only offered through March, possibly sooner.

Callahan motions, with the dates being approved by Partanen and Gilbert, with the stipulation that Wyman/The Gathering pay for heat and provide port-a-potties for the hours of 9-1 on Sunday mornings off season to allow the Gathering Church to use the Function Hall at Winter Island.  Everitt Seconds.  Passes Unanimously.

Superintendent’s Report

Review monthly revenue reports – no questions/comments

No comments/questions.

Seasonal Staff

Partanen reported that the information provided is the pay for seasonal staff, and proposed for cashiers at the golf course and Winter Island.  Partanen proposed there be shift supervisors and an increase in pay to cut back on time the facility managers spend on these type of tasks.  

Everitt motions to approve. Seconded by Callahan.  Passes unanimously.

Fort Pickering Light House

Partanen stated that the funds were approved by the City Council and were short by $11,500. Partanen added that it’s being painted this week and will go back to being white and the total cost to paint it was $33,500, using special paint and scraping. Callahan asked if we have a guarantee and Partanen responded that both she and City Engineer ok’d it.

Parks & Facility

Olde Salem Greens

Partanen is looking to get the ok to get a full time manager for the course.  Shea comment that McDonald would be the #1 candidate.  Partanen added that we’d have to post it with the City.  Callahan commented that McDonald would have to apply if he wanted the position.  Partanen responded that it would be in our best interest to make it a City position.

Callahan asked if the City would be looking to contract it out as opposed to being a full time salaried staff person with the City and Shea responded that he thinks it should be a full time position with benefits.  Partanen replied that she will do salary research of similar positions to determine a base salary.

Callahan commented that we need to look at the salary and how it compares with the superintendent.  Shea added that it is very important not to overpay and he believes the superintendent should get paid more.

Tuttle commented that the pay for the superintendent should be comparable to other like kinds of courses and asked if Stoneham doesn’t have a course, to which Partanen replied that most Municipal courses are run privately now.  Shea asked Partanen to do the research and let us know.

McCabe Marina

Partanen commented that the fees were set in 2009 and that she’s looking for clarification on fee structure and whether we can we have an all-inclusive pass for the Marina. Shea asked about season passes. Callahan commented that a season pass is good since launching and removing a boat is inexpensive, it would easier to get a season pass.  Partanen replied that she wants to make the process easier and will look into making this simpler and user friendly.  Callahan wants to sit down with Partanen to talk about it and Partanen was ok with that.

Gallows Hill

Partanen commented that Shea says it looks pretty fine. Partanen asked Callahan if the summer house in Gallows Hill is historical and he said he didn’t know.  Callahan asked Jim Jenkins (in attendence) if he could research that and Jenkins said ok.  Shea asked how much was in the budget for that and Partanen said $17,000. Shea commented that it could cost less if you go with a local company to give a better price.  Shea added that we could do better price wise.  Partanen replied that she will talk with the Planning Department about it.

Trail Update

Partanen was planning to have Burke talk about it, but he is absent from the meeting.  Tuttle commented that she has been on the trails and said it was better.

New Business

Tim Short Resignation

Partanen announced that Tim Short will be leaving the job effective November 1, 2013.

Callahan motions the Commission send Tim Short a letter thanking him for his service.  Seconded by Everitt Passes unanimously.

Franklin Street Basketball Court

Shea brought up the basketball court at Franklin Street Park.

Partanen commented that the money she thought she had couldn’t be used as it wasn’t available.  Poles need to be replaced and fabricated to fit onto the poles that have been modified.  Partanen added that she’s been working with Tom Devine about borrowing the hoops and needs to match the backboards. Shea stated that someone has to do some thinking on the job and asked if we have something at the Winter Island garage that can be used in the interim. Partanen replied that she wasn’t sure and that the Park Foreman isn’t a welder and it’s not in his purview. Partanen also added that this is not something to be ignored.  

Shea replied that this is something that has to be fixed and Partanen stated that it was coming down and the backboard needed to be fixed.  Shea responded that someone went down there and vandalized the equipment and Partanen recommends that we go with the steel ones, which are $1,500 each.

Shea stated that he’ll contact several residents who’ve called him to let them know it’s being worked on. Shea asked Partanen when this will be done and Partanen said yes, by spring, but she doesn’t have the staff to fix these problems immediately.  Partanen added that she will follow up with Tom O’Shea about getting things fixed.

Tuttle commented that maybe as a Commission we can request money for repairs and Shea added that he will respond to the callers that we’re getting a quote.

Both Shea and Callahan are ok with replacing one backboard at a time.  Partanen wants to replace them both at the same time.  Callahan commented that we have the staff to immediately fix these problems.  Partanen responded that she will follow up with Tom O’Shea about getting things fixed.

Shea requested that Partanen bring in a list of repairs so they can be prioritized and Partanen said that she will do that.

Callahan would like to see the law that says the funds goes to the General Fund before it goes to Park & Rec.

Callahan motions to request a copy of the law to see the reasoning behind this policy. Tuttle seconds. Passes unanimously.

Motion to adjourn by Callahan, 2nd by Tuttle. Passes unanimously.

Adjournment at 7:55pm

Next Meeting November 19, 2013